Digital Nomad Stay Support

in Fukuoka

Fukuoka’s Embrace
Your Family-Away-From-Home Community

Fukuoka support for digital nomadic stay by supporting YOU
before, during, and after your visit.”

We will respond to your email inquiries within 3 business days.
email :
For general questions, you can gather more ideas from many people in our Discord community.
Additionally, we generalize the content of past inquiries and post them in the Q&A section of our website, so please check there before contacting us.

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Our Support Team

To cultivate a digital nomad community, it is necessary to have sufficient expertise in digital nomadism. In this project, we will involve top-class experts from Japan and local coordinators rooted in Fukuoka City to develop a community that represents Japan and Asia. Everyone on the team is an expert in digital nomadism.

Startup Community Coordinator


Tsunagaru Edutech LLC

Born in 1981 in San Fernando, Chile. At the age of 23, established the first tourism company and after selling it, moved to Australia. In 2009, founded the Manabu Community in Cairns and worked as a Senior Tech Expert at the University of Queensland. In April 2021, established the Fukuoka Startup Collective (FSCO) to connect the world’s techpreneurs, CEOs, startups, and nomads with Japan. The Manabu Community has expanded across three countries: Australia, Japan, and Taiwan.

Regional Coordinator



Born in 1991 in Kaho District, Fukuoka Prefecture, and currently residing in Fukuoka City. Graduated from Tsuda University in 2014 and completed a Master’s program in Policy and Media Studies at Keio University in 2016. Joined a foreign PR company as a new graduate, engaging in the creation of websites for overseas markets and the operation of social media for foreign embassies. In 2020, took the opportunity to change jobs and return to my hometown of Fukuoka. In 2024, graduated from the Community Manager Academy sponsored by the Japan Digital Nomad Association.

Local manager


CEO Yugyo

Born in Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture in 1983. After graduating from the University of Tsukuba in 2007, joined Dentsu Inc. Seconded to the Cabinet Office in 2015. Appointed as a town planning advisor at Tsukuba City Hall from 2018 to 2020. Co-founded the travel subscription service “HafH” and launched the service in 2019. Advisor for the Japan Workation Association from 2020 onwards. Representative Director of Yu-Ko Company since 2022. Special Associate Professor at the Research Institute for Advanced Tourism Sciences, Kanazawa University, since 2023.

General Manager


representative director of JDNA

The representative director of Japan Digital Nomad Association, founder of Coliving Space TANEHUB in Akita, Japan / Coworking space TAOHUB in Koh Tao, Thailand. Moe was borned in Yokohama in 1979. a freelance designer. She moved to Koh Tao Thailand in 2011. She had learned about coworking and the digital nomad at CUAsia (Coworking Unconference Asia) in 2015. then TAOHUB opened in 2016 for digital nomads. Coliving space TANEHUB uses abandoned houses in the rural Japanese area Mitane, Akita. Now she is trying to spread the digital nomad lifestyle all over Japan.

Fukuoka City Digital Nomad Residency Support Office

The Company
Canal City Hakata-mae

If there has been an inquiry through the contact form or online community in advance, we will conduct real-life consultations in meeting rooms and other such spaces. We will introduce local players and mediate support facilities with expertise in startups and other areas, tailored to the needs and challenges of digital nomads.”

The Company Canal City Hakata Mae Store

1F & 2F, Daiichi Prince Building, 8-13 Gion-cho, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Google map


How can I get more info about digital nomad visa for Japan?

JDNA has Complate guide for Digital Nomad Visa. please check

Where is Fukuoka City?

Fukuoka City is the largest city on the large island of Kyushu, located on the western side of Japan. It is a gateway to Asia, taking only 2 hours by plane from Tokyo and one hour from Seoul.

I cannot speak Japanese. Will this be an issue in my daily life?

In Japan, many people might feel hesitant to speak English, even though they understand it. However, Fukuoka’s residents are exceptionally welcoming and eager to interact with international visitors, even if their English isn’t perfect. Speaking slowly can go a long way, and you’ll find that locals enjoy engaging in conversation. Additionally, should you encounter any issues, professional advisors (community managers) are readily accessible in our online community. This platform also serves as a resource for digital nomads, offering assistance with finding places to eat, live, or work.

I would like to start my own business in Japan. Does Fukuoka City offer any support?

Certainly! Fukuoka City stands out in Japan for offering a dedicated English-speaking consultant, aimed at making it easier for international individuals to start businesses. Your first step should be to visit FGN (Fukuoka Growth Next), run by the city itself. Here, our consultants are ready to address any initial questions you may have right at the counter.

I would like to stay for a month or so, do you have any furnished apartments for rent?

Many newcomers initially stay in hotels as they search for a longer-term, convenient place to live, often guided by tips from our community. To find furnished properties easily, we suggest joining our online community first, where several businesses offer valuable information on available accommodations.

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